New Kenner Location: 2400 Veterans Ste 115

The Hurricane Evacuation Box

istock_000006968054xsmallThe hurricane is in the Gulf. At first you thought you would ride it out. But the storm hits the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current and it explodes to a Category 4. You decide to get out of town. Here is a list of documents, contact information, and other items you should have ready to go. Some of these should be stored in some sort of container, call it your “Hurricane Box”, and ready to go at a moment’s notice.

  1. ID. Don’t forget your driver’s license, social security card and other documentation (Naturalization papers, Green cards, pass port) you could possibly need.
  2. Money. Cash is king on the evacuation road. Bring along your credit card because surly credit card machines will still work in Houston (Doesn’t everybody evacuate there!)?
  3. Important Contact Information. There are many important people you would want to have their contact information for but none more important than your insurance agent, employer, family, friends, and other advisors.
  4. Important Documents. There are many documents to list here but we think it wise to have your insurance policies, birth certificates, marriage licenses, power of attorney, and wills.
  5. Business Documents. Articles of Incorporation, payroll information, operating agreements, business succession plans, contracts, and tax returns.
  6. Miscellaneous. These items may make you the happiest.   Bring clean water for the road, your pets, clean underwear, patience, your pillow, and toilet paper.

We’d like to hear from you. What is tops on your list to bring along when you evacuate? Post your comments on our Facebook page at


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