If you have replaced your roof within the last 5 years please send PAID receipt for installation or a statement from a licensed roofer showing installation date/estimated age of roof to documents@gisnola.com
New Kenner Location: 2400 Veterans Ste 115
Address: 3815 MacArthur Blvd New Orleans, LA 70114
Phone: (504) 875-4077
Email: info@gisnola.com
Are you a business owner or do you know a business owner? If so you may want to consider reading on. Congress has just passed a bill like no other making $349 billion dollars available to businesses that have been economically impacted by the Coronavirus. We have put together a list of of Frequently Asked Questions that we’ve been asked and that we’ve asked ourselves as we navigate this program. We hope it helps give you some guidance.
We cannot stress enough the importance of you contacting the bank that currently serves you (you may need to go online) and learn their process for application.