If you have replaced your roof within the last 5 years please send PAID receipt for installation or a statement from a licensed roofer showing installation date/estimated age of roof to documents@gisnola.com
New Kenner Location: 2400 Veterans Ste 115
Address: 3815 MacArthur Blvd New Orleans, LA 70114
Phone: (504) 875-4077
Email: info@gisnola.com
A business owner’s guide to the Paycheck Protection Program

Are you a business owner or do you know a business owner? If so you may want to consider reading on. Congress has just passed a bill like no other making $349 billion dollars available to businesses that have been…
Why Is Auto Insurance So Expensive In New Orleans?

Louisianans pay $2,126 on average in auto premiums. We are ranked #2 in the nation for high insurance rates! The national average is $1365. Here are the top most expensive states: STATE AVG COST Louisiana $…
“Wood” Termite Damage Be Covered By My Home Insurance?

Termite Season..When is it? Oh no! You left the porch light on. Now you need close your mouth tight, squint your eyes, and try to squeeze through the narrowest opening in your front door as fast as you possibly can.…
3 Best Sandwiches on the Westbank

Music and food are two defining characteristics that gives New Orleans her soul. As I write this blog on my three favorite sandwiches on the Westbank, I’m listening to Kermit Ruffins and the Rebirth Brass Band. Food and music. Growing…
Why I Own Flood Insurance

My house is located in a “Preferred Flood” zone or “X” zone. According to FEMA, I have a low to moderate risk of flooding in any given year. Because I’m in an “X” zone, my mortgage company, NOLA Lending, does…
5 Reasons Not To Cancel Your Flood Insurance In New Orleans

Water surrounds us in New Orleans. Flooding is a reality we face living here in southeast Louisiana. Recently the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has been in the news for several reasons. First, Congress must periodically renew the NFIP’s…
New Orleans Best Homeowners Insurance

New Orleans Insurance Companies vs Insurance Agencies There are Insurance agencies and Insurance companies. Garcia Insurance Services is an agency. As an independent insurance agency, we represent many different insurance companies. As an independent agency, we help our clients buy…
What Affects the Pricing of Home Owners Insurance in New Orleans?

Let’s face it..home insurance in New Orleans is expensive. If you own a home in this region there’s just no way of escaping the high cost to protect your home. In fact, after Florida, Louisiana has the highest premiums for…
Is it better to have replacement cost value (RCV) or actual cash value (ACV)?
Is it better to have replacement cost value (RCV) or actual cash value(ACV)? RCV, as long as you can afford the difference in premium. For example, say your policy covers your roof, which was replaced in 2007. It’s 2017 and…