New Kenner Location: 2400 Veterans Ste 115

Are You Ready?

I remember when Jennifer was pregnant with Josh, our first child, and I was asked, “Are you ready to be a father?” “Yes I am,” was my response. Can you really be ready for the unknown?are-you-ready

Were you ready for Katrina? Ike? Gustav? If I were to tell you on August 28th 2005 that a storm like Katrina was going to hit the next day, could you have gotten ready? My guess is probably not. None of us were ready for Katrina. Some of us were better prepared.

As we enter the busy part of hurricane season, how prepared are you? At Garcia Insurance Services we want to share with you some of the lessons we have learned in dealing with hurricanes. We are committed to helping our clients get as prepared as possible prior to a storm and we are equally committed to helping them recover after the storm.

We hope our “Are You Ready?” Hurricane preparedness series is useful for you. This is not intended to be a comprehensive program for being prepared but just our take. You will find useful information on “Our Top 8 Hurricane Lessons Learned”, “The Hurricane Evacuation Box”, “Prepare Your Property”, “Hunkering Down”, “A Cent That Makes Cents”, and “Understanding Your Policy”.

Here are some other useful sites we regularly use:

NOLA Ready New Orleans’s very own source for Hurricane Information

The Official National Hurricane Center.

Weather Underground has a great tropical weather site. We really like the “computer models”.

If you are one of the lucky to be counted among our clients, “Like Us” on Facebook @ as in the event of an emergency it serves as an excellent way for us to send out important information.

Let’s all Hope for the best but plan for the worst. Enjoy our “Are You Ready?” hurricane series.

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Garcia Insurance Services is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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